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living in gratitude©

I am grateful for good health, because I am denied health insurance in the United States.

So-called Obamacare ensures that in 2014, people like me — those with “pre-existing conditions” — are finally eligible for health insurance.  In 2014, it will no longer be legal for corporations to discriminate against people like me, those with disabilities and chronic illnesses.  We will not be denied.

I am grateful for healers and helpers who believe health care is a right for all, not a privilege for a few.

I’m grateful for people of good conscience who see public health care as a non-profit service.  I’m thankful for those who see universal good health as a public good.

I am especially grateful for legislators who see the morality of this.

I’m grateful for President Barack Obama and Democrats who led the way on the Affordable Health Care Act, and those who support the principle of universal health care. I’m  especially grateful to those with the courage to express their convictions in public.

I’m grateful that other leaders, such as then-governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, have, at times, been able to see the business sense of this — until the political lens of a presidential election campaign clouded their judgment.

It is unconscionable that an estimated 30 million Americans don’t have health insurance; that corporations can deny health coverage to sick children, elders, people with disabilities, and people with chronic illness; and that people go bankrupt because of health care costs.

As a rehabilitation counselor and advocate for people with disabilities, I understand the fear of some who believe so-called Obamacare would hurt them financially.

I also understand how many people in the U.S. are hurt by not having equal access to health care.

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision today, I urge the fearful to consider the higher costs of an unhealthy America, and worse, an uncaring America.

And for the majority opinion of the Supreme Court, my deepest gratitude for recognizing, again, our basic human rights — the rights of the vulnerable.